

Reigns of Unreasonableness in Public Hospitals

Authored August 20, 2021

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The administrative structure of Ontario hospitals centralizes power into the hands of a few key players – and physicians who practice in these public facilities are often at the mercy of disproportionate or overbroad decision making. The lack of procedural safeguards for physicians under the Public Hospitals Act is at the root of the problem.

This article was published in LexisNexis, Risk Management in Canadian Health Care, Volume 23, Number 4, 23 RMCHC, August 2021.


Tracey is a remarkably gifted lawyer, specializing in health law. Not only is she extremely knowledgeable in her field, but she drills down with such precision and persistence, doing everything possible on behalf of her clients. She is also highly sensitive to privacy concerns, giving the utmost respect to any issues relating to the protection of health-related data. It is always a pleasure to work with Tracey!

Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D., Commissioner, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd Health Law